Ukraine Software Developer Salary

Discover salaries of software developers in Ukraine and how they compare across different technologies and cities.

Ukraine Software Developer Salary

How much do software developers make in Ukraine? This is probably one of the most commonly asked questions.

The answer isn't as simple as people think because there are a lot of variables that have to be taken into consideration.

Salaries of Frontend Developers in Ukraine (React, Angular, Vue, JavaScript)

Currently, the average salary of a frontend developer in Ukraine ranges from $800 to $8000, depending on the experience of a specialist. With the rapid increase in demand for developers on the market, the salaries of JavaScript specialists have also increased significantly over the past few years.

Junior Frontend Developer Salary in Ukraine

A junior frontend developer is a specialist who has only started his path in programming and has no experience at all or less than 1 year of experience. A junior front-end developer should know HTML5 and CSS3, as well as JavaScript and its frameworks. Such a specialist usually receives $800-$1300 per month.

Middle Frontend Developer Salary in Ukraine

A middle front-end developer is a programmer with 2-3 years of work experience and good knowledge of JavaScript and its frameworks. The average salary of such a specialist is $1500-$3500 per month.

Senior Frontend Developer Salary in Ukraine

The senior frontend developer has 4+ years of experience and extensive knowledge of JavaScript frameworks and libraries (React, Angular, Vue). The average salary of such a specialist ranges from $4500-$6500 per month.

Frontend Tech Lead / Architect Salary in Ukraine

The frontend lead/architect has 5+ years of experience and extensive knowledge of JavaScript frameworks and libraries (React, Angular, Vue), experience in building architecture and leading development teams. The average salary of such a specialist ranges from $6000-$8000 per month.

Also, you may read this article If you are looking for a web developer.

Salaries of Backend Developers (C#, Java, Python, PHP, Golang)

Back-end development has always been in high demand. The rise of mobile apps has increased the need for back-end developers as well because now there are more devices in need of back-end infrastructure.

Back-end developers create functional server-side applications that enable smooth front-end operation. These professionals write and test code, troubleshoot problems, and integrate applications with third-party web services and databases.

Back-end developers usually work with front-end developers to ensure the website or application is user-friendly, but they may also work on the server-side independently.

Average Salaries of Backend Developers in Ukraine by programming language:

C# (junior $800-1500, middle $1500-3500, senior $4000-6000) - additionally, in this article we described tips for finding C# Developer.

Java (junior $800-1500, middle $1500-3500, senior $5000-7000)

Python (junior $800-1500, middle $1500-3500, senior $4000-6000)

PHP (junior $800-1500, middle $1500-3500, senior $3500-5500)

Golang (junior $800-1500, middle $1500-3500, senior $5000-8000)

How do software developer salaries differ across different cities in Ukraine?

There are five popular cities for software development outsourcing across Ukraine: Kyiv, Kharkiv, Lviv, Dnipro, and Odesa. In general, salaries for software developers in these five cities are very similar.

Before COVID-19 salaries of software developers from different cities of Ukraine varied because the majority of companies hired for office jobs. So developers to find a job had to move to Kyiv, Lviv, Kharkiv, or another city.

During the pandemic, many companies started to work with developers remotely so the location didn't really matter anymore.


Ukraine offers a competitive salary for software developers compared to other European countries. Salaries vary depending on the technology stack and city of the developer. It is essential to consider the cost of living when setting salaries for software developers. Partnering with an IT recruitment agency with expertise in Ukraine can help you find the best developers for your company at a reasonable cost.

If you are looking for Software Developers, DevOps, or other IT specialists in Ukraine or Europe you may partner with an IT recruiting agency MindHunt. Please contact us if you have any questions.

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