How to attract the best candidates for IT roles in Ukraine, Europe or Asia

Learn how to attract the best candidates for your open IT positions by creating a compelling job description and using targeted methods.

How to attract the best candidates for IT roles in Ukraine, Europe or Asia

How to make sure that your vacancy has reached the best of the best?

Let’s talk WHY it is important.

  • First of all, in order to build a strong team or company, you have to hire strong people with the required skills and education
  • Sometimes hiring mistake can bring many problems, because If you hire the wrong person you can waste more than if a vacancy remains open
  • You don’t need to use any special incentives for people who are on ‘their places’ and you have to always ‘motivate’ people who are not on ‘their places’ – these people just wasting your time and absorb your energy

So WHAT should you do? Here are a few quick tips:

  • Statistics show that ONLY about 25% of candidates read ads as a means of finding new career opportunities. It means that by placing an ad you reach only 25% of the market and they will be just people who are looking for a new job AND there is a high probability that they are NOT people you are looking for (and in most cases it is true)
  • You have to reach the other 75%. You do it by deep market research, name identification, approaching the best candidates available on the market, and presenting your career opportunity in the most attractive manner (you can do in by yourself or by your recruiting team…OR hire a professional recruiting firm)

WHEN you do a deep market research, name identification, approaching best candidates available on the market, and presenting your career opportunity in the most attractive manner, good things happen:

  • You will have an entire market on your palm
  • You know in which companies your candidates work, what they do, what salary they receive / what are their salary expectations and what is their motivation
  • You just pick the best talents available on the market, which showed interest in your vacancy and then interview them and present a job offer to the best candidate
  • You know what is real salary level on the market – not information from ‘salary reviewers’ – and can propose a salary level corresponding to market reality
  • If you need to fill a similar position you can have the right candidate in a timely manner because you know all market

So, to be successful in recruiting…

Well, you do have some options…And imagine how you’ll feel when you no longer have to deal with how to identify and attract qualified candidates for open vacancies, how to present open vacancies to candidates with needed skills in such a way that increase chances to make them interested and so they send their CVs to you and hire best available talents within market salary range on your open IT vacancies in Ukraine, Europe or Asia.

Imagine what it would be like to put each and every one of these challenges into the past where they belong. Well, you don’t have to “imagine” any longer – You can find, interview and hire the best talents with adequate salary expectations on your open IT vacancies in Ukraine, Europe and Asia now – contact us for a free consultation - and we will be happy to know more about your recruiting needs and answer your questions. Our service designed specifically for IT companies from the USA, Australia, or Europe which is looking for IT managers and specialists in Ukraine.

Anyway, take action on what you discovered today.You can solve the situation when urgent IT vacancies are open in Ukraine but there is no flow of qualified candidates – just decide to make it happen. You can do it by yourself or with our help. Do you want us to help you find the best candidate for you? Submit a job to our IT recruiting agency today.


Getting the best candidates for your vacancy is crucial for your company's success. To achieve this, you need to have a clear vision of the open position and create a compelling document to sell it to potential candidates. Additionally, you should use targeted methods to ensure that your vacancy has reached the best of the best.

Working with an IT recruiting agency can also be a great option to access a larger pool of candidates and have professional support throughout the recruitment process. Book a call with our agency to learn more.

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